The eternal art of prioritising 👌🏼

Throughout your life you are in  the constant need of prioritising. It begins when you’re a kid.
You have the possibility to play with several kids – which one do you choose? You have a play date but also the possibility to go to the movies – what do you choose? You have 1 Euro to buy Saturday night candy – do you buy several small bits or a few bigger ones? 🍫🍬🍭

When you get older things change a bit but you still have to prioritise. You have your studies, your friends, your family, your job, your hobbies, parties.. What do you choose?

When you grow up you yet again have to prioritise. You have your family (parents, siblings, kids, husband/wife), your job, your friends, your hobbies, a lot of commitments, your animals, extra studies.. You constantly feel like you don’t succeed because you want it all so bad. You still have to prioritise though 😏

So what is the right life? What are the right priorities? I don’t think there is a right formular. You have to listen to your heart and choose what you feel is right in that spectacular moment. The art is then not to feel guilty because you will never succeed 100 % everywhere. I know it’s tough but is it so bad to choose yourself first every once in a while?

Tonight I prioritise Netflix (Bates Motel) on the couch with my Coca Cola 🥤😋 I need that and I love it!  I hope you guys are enjoying your Wednesday night 😘

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